As a marketing agency, we understand the importance of utilizing the right software tools to streamline our operations and deliver outstanding results for our clients. In this article, we will showcase seven software tools that have captured our hearts and have proven to be invaluable assets for both our agency and our clients. From social media management to customer support, financial management, email marketing, design, and more, these tools have become integral parts of our workflow, allowing us to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, and success.

Later Media: Optimizing Social Media Management

Later Media has become a staple tool for both our agency and our clients when it comes to efficient social media management. With its user-friendly interface, robust scheduling capabilities, content organization features, and insightful analytics, Later Media empowers us to strategize and execute impactful social media campaigns. We can schedule and publish posts across multiple platforms, curate visually appealing feeds, and analyze key metrics to refine our strategies and enhance engagement. Later Media is a valuable asset in maximizing our social media efforts.

What social media platforms should I focus on

Gorgias: Elevating Customer Support Experience

Gorgias is a customer support helpdesk platform that we have come to love for the exceptional service it enables us to provide our clients. By centralizing customer inquiries from various channels like email, live chat, and social media, Gorgias simplifies and enhances our support operations. The platform’s automation features, macros, and advanced ticketing system enable us to respond promptly to customer queries, deliver personalized experiences, and foster customer satisfaction and loyalty. Gorgias is an essential tool for elevating the customer support experience.

Quickbooks: Simplifying Financial Management

Quickbooks is a reliable accounting software that we wholeheartedly recommend to our agency and clients alike. With its comprehensive features, Quickbooks simplifies financial management processes, from bookkeeping to generating reports and tracking expenses. By automating tasks and offering scalable solutions, Quickbooks saves us time, minimizes errors, and provides us with a clear view of our financial health. It is a powerful tool for maintaining financial transparency and making informed decisions.

Klaviyo: Driving Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

When it comes to email marketing, Klaviyo has become our go-to tool for creating and optimizing campaigns for ourselves and our clients. Klaviyo offers advanced segmentation, automation features, and personalized customer journeys. It allows us to create targeted and engaging email campaigns, track performance metrics, and drive conversions. With its robust analytics and integration capabilities, Klaviyo helps us deliver tailored and effective email marketing strategies that yield tangible results.

Canva: Empowering Visual Design

What social media platforms should I focus on

Canva has transformed our creative processes by providing a user-friendly design tool that enhances our visual content for both our agency and clients. With its vast library of templates, graphics, and customizable elements, Canva enables us to create stunning visuals for social media, presentations, and more. Its drag-and-drop interface makes design accessible to everyone, regardless of their design expertise. Canva empowers us to deliver visually appealing, on-brand content that captivates audiences and strengthens our marketing efforts.

Foreplay: The Complete Winning Ad Workflow

Honeslty, this is our new favorite social media platform. If you are doing any media buying for your business, you NEED to be on Foreplay. You can save ads, build briefs and produce high converting Facebook & TikTok ads at scale, without compromising quality. Foreplay is a key piece of how we find, save, review, and communicate around performance creative assets. It’s really reduced a lot of friction in the process and has allowed us to review and save 10x more content than we would have otherwise.

Motion: Your Performance Creative Hub

Motion is THE BEST way to identify key drivers of creative performance, in an easily-digestible way. Marketers and media buyers can use Motion to answer virtually any question about their paid ads. Answering questions on what is truly working and what is not provides the context to turn creative testing into actual creative strategy. As a Media Buying Agnecy, we cannot live without Motion.


The right software tools can make all the difference in streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and achieving outstanding results for our marketing agency and clients. Later Media, Gorgias, Quickbooks, Klaviyo, Canva, Foreplay, and Motion are software tools that we wholeheartedly love and recommend. Whether it’s optimizing social media management, delivering exceptional customer support, simplifying financial management, driving effective email marketing, empowering visual design, facilitating collaboration, or streamlining video editing, these tools have proven their worth and have become essential components of our success. Embracing these tools enables us to meet and exceed our goals, delivering exceptional marketing solutions to our clients while enhancing our own internal processes.